Grindstone is a ministry designed to take Jr high and high school students to the next level in their faith. We get excited about helping students understand God's truths in practical and relevant ways! We have three programs all students are welcome to be a part of…
Our Mission
Wednesday Nights
We gather every Wednesday in our north campus for our main student ministry service! We pack Wednesday nights with fun games, engaging messages, small group time, and food! All students, 6th-12th, are welcome
6:30-8:00 pm
Sunday Mornings
9:00 am
Every Sunday during our first service we gather in one of our main campus group rooms for an hour of good conversation and teaching. With a smaller group than on Wednesdays, our main goal of Sunday morning is to take our conversations deeper!
Friday Night Fun
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Friday Night Fun’s are an extra event that happens on the first friday of each month! These are designed to give kids an additional time to hang out with each other and bring friends. These events are built for nothing but fun!
Don’t forget your form!
Each student is required to have a Medical Release form for any overnight or out of town event! Forms may be printed here or found at the Welcome Desk on Sunday morning and Wednesday night!