The New Family

The drive to Van Buren Church of God in Decatur Il was not a long one even for this excited 8-year-old. When we turned the corner we saw the tiny brick church at the end of the dead-end street. On that day (or any other day) there were no more than 50 people in attendance.  We were a new family, we had never been to church, any church, ever.  My brothers and I had only seen church on tv. When we walked into that church dressed in the best clothes we could find (leisure suits that had been purchased for a recent wedding) we were noticed.  As I would find out later, we were invited to church by a family that we loved to spend time with. This was the day that we would finally accept the invitation. We must have looked like quite the rag-tag bunch, but they welcomed us and helped us find seats before the service began.

We went back for Sunday night service, and from that time on, we were in church every time the doors were open. As a family, we found a place to belong. My brothers and I attended Sunday school in a small house next to the church. It was heated by a small oil furnace in the winter and cooled by fans and open windows in the summer. I remember the faces of my teachers at that young age, and I remember one specific teacher by name and face. Mildred Girard may have been the first person who demonstrated the love of Christ to me. Week after week of flannel graph stories and goldfish snacks she became the example of love from someone who had no obligation to love me. Looking back on it I can recognize her actions as love. In those moments I saw that she was kind and warm and cared about me. She asked me questions and listened for answers. She laughed at my stories and saw me for who I was. A kid searching for peace and a place to belong.

If we’re all honest, we’re all searching for a place to belong. As an eight-year-old boy my search for belonging found solid ground. Even at times in my life when I felt like I needed to search for belonging in other places, I knew those places were a cheap counterfeit for the real love and peace that I found when I was close to the peace and love of God. Let this be a reminder to you today; In a world of chaos and unrest, there is a place of peace and love, a solid foundation, waiting for you. This weekend slip into your church and let the Lord remind you of his personal love for you, regardless of where you have been.

Brian Burris