I’ll Google it

Often I am reminded of how fast our society moves. Just in the past decade, Our world has evolved into an always online society. I’ve grown up with a device that can answer every question that pops into my mind with a quick search on Google or Bing (for those four people in the world that go against the grain). That is why to me, it sometimes seems incomprehensible to fail to find an answer to a question. This is where I feel like God is playing a trick on us. We are determined in our never ending search for ways to improve our life; relaxation tips, ways to get that promotion at work, parenting tips, how to have a happier life in general….etc. But ironically, the answers don’t come from an enlightened society with new ways of thought. They come from a 2,000 year old book that gives us the way to live our lives.

When’s the last time you felt unfulfilled and you’ve looked for answers everywhere but through God? I know it hasn’t always been my first instinct, and that’s when I struggle in life the most. I’ve heard it said that the devil’s mission is to get you off of God’s plan for your life, but I think a better synopsis is that he wants you to believe that you have a better plan. We are such an achievement and answer driven society that we easily can live an entire lifetime without looking to God. The number one reason many Non-Christian people I talk to give as their reason not to go to Church is that “I don’t have time.” It’s very possible that this answer is just a deflection to get me to stop inviting them. But, could this actually be them answering truthfully? If that is true, it really means that the biggest thing stopping more people from becoming Christians is wanting to live their own life, the way they’ve planned it.

God doesn’t call us to give up our dreams when we decide to follow him. God gives us a enormously brighter vision of what our life could be. He shows the difference we can make in the world: the people we can help, the joy we can bring to others, and the lasting legacy that is only found in Him. If the church is a beacon for the broken in the world, people will search for answers here. Why does mankind always search? We search for what we don’t understand, and in today’s world: true happiness, unconditional love, and selflessness are not understood by a vast majority of people. Only if we ourselves are determined daily to look to God for the answers, will others come to look for Him.

Matthew 7:7-8 “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Hunter Beard1 Comment